Abituriyent II mərhələ Sınaq imtahanı İMTAHAN MÖVZULARI Physics: Basics of statics. Momentum and energy. Conservation laws in mechanics. Mechanical work. Power. Aero hydrostatics. Aero-hydrodynamics. Fundamentals of MKT. Ideal gas laws. Fundamentals of thermodynamics. Chemistry: Chemical bond. The degree of oxidation. Hybridization Types of crystal lattices. The amount of substance. Avogadro's law. Calculations by chemical formulas and equations. Classification of chemical reactions. thermal effect. Heat of combustion and formation. Hess' law. The rate of chemical reactions. chemical balance. Solutions and methods for expressing their concentration. Redox reactions. Oxides. Foundations. Acids. Salt. Biology: Monocots and dicots. Golosperms. Algae. Moss. P ferns. Mushrooms . Lichens . B acting.
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